Broken Tooth or Chipped Teeth.. Solutions?

Broken tooth

Do you stop yourself from smiling because of a broken tooth, chipped or cracked teeth? It may seem insignificant, but can have an impact on your self-confidence and oral health.

Let’s talk about broken teeth. What are some of its causes of chipped or damaged teeth? How can we fix worn-down cracked teeth to restore not just your teeth but smile beautifully?

Causes of a Broken Tooth Chipped Teeth can come from..

A broken tooth, cracked or chipped teeth are common occurrences that can stem from a variety of reason.

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Teeth can be chipped or cracked from a hard fall, heavy impact or injury to your facial area.

Biting on Hard Solids

Heavy bite force on hard solids such as ice, nuts or seeds can cause teeth to be chipped or broken.

Dental Cavities

If a tooth is left untreated for tooth decay, tooth structure can weaken and be damaged, broken and cracked.

Teeth Grinding

Bruxism or teeth grinding while sleeping or habit wears down teeth and can cause teeth to crack and chip.

Regardless how teeth was chipped or cracked, leaving chipped teeth untreated can also lead to other problems – pain or sensitivity when biting, gum swelling due to irritation of surrounding gum issue or tooth decay. Fractured tooth can harbor bacteria and runs the risks of infection. Unchecked bacteria infection can lead to tooth loss.

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Restore your cracked tooth, broken tooth or chipped tooth. Shine and smile with confidence again!

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Let’s find a treatment solution on how to fix broken tooth or a cracked tooth together.

See 4 Methods to restore broken teeth

4 methods to Restore Broken Tooth

Solutions to restore chipped and cracked teeth 

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1. Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are new caps encapsulating the whole tooth. It is used when tooth is severely fractured, has large cavities or has had root canal treatment done.

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2. Dental Fillings

If chipped teeth is minor or small, simple composite fillings may be used to fix broken tooth corners or cracks.  

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3. Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are done only for front teeth with minor chips or cracks as an aesthetic alternative to dental fillings. Porcelain veneers tend to be stronger compared to composite fillings.


4. Root Canal Treatment

If the tooth has a deep fractured or is broken to the pulp, nerve or tooth root area, root canal treatment will be necessary prior to dental crowns. Your dentist do an x-ray if broken tooth is deep or severe.

Comparison between Broken Tooth Treatment Options

Let us take a look at the benefits, disadvantage of each treatment option. 

treatments comparison for chipped broken teeth
treatments comparison for chipped broken teeth

Contact us today! Discuss options and ways to restore broken tooth and chipped teeth!

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Affordable Treatment Fees Restore Broken Tooth

1.1 Dental Crowns – Porcelain to Metal Crowns

9,000 .-

1.2 Dental Crowns – All Ceramic

14,500 .-

2.1 Tooth-colored Fillings

800 .- / surface

3.1 Porcelain Veneers – IPS Esthetics (till 28 Feb 25)

8,000 .-

3.2 Porcelain Veneers – IPS eMax

12,000 .-

4.1 Root Canal Treatment

from  9,000 .-

Chipped teeth, cracked teeth and broken teeth can hinder your ability to smile with confidence. There are simple solutions to restore broken teeth and to ensure healthy teeth.